In The Den - Week 8: The Hope Giving End

At the end of Daniel, we read about his third and final vision. What is clear about each vision is that even though things will get bad, there is always hope.

Icebreaker: What is your middle name and where did it come from?

Reading: Daniel 10-12

Discussion Questions:

  1. Has there ever been a situation where you found yourself losing hope?

  2. When it comes to the 3 visions of Daniel, is there anything that you learned that you did not realize before about the visions, the 500 years after Daniel, or the end times?

  3. There are three types of suffering: Protective, perfecting, and correcting. Give a personal example of this type of suffering in your life.

  4. How can understanding the gospel message as well as the power of the Holy Spirit help you to have hope?

In The Den - Week 7: Rescue

In Daniel 9, we read about Daniel realizing that the time of exile is almost over. Surprisingly, he isn’t happy about it but Daniel knows that all exiles need to be rescued.


Icebreaker: What was/is your nickname and why?

Reading: Daniel 9

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has your idea of “sin” changed over your life? What thoughts or words come to your mind when you hear the word “sin?”

  2. In Daniel’s prayer, he did not say “they” but instead said “we.” Do you find yourself struggling with an “us vs them” attitude? What can we learn from Daniel?

  3. How is your prayer life? What struggles do you have with prayer?

  4. God’s rescue plan is far greater than the captivity. What captivity has God freed you from that when you look back, you can see God’s blessings?

  5. Are you in captivity now that you need rescue from?

In The Den - Week 6: Already/Not Yet

In Daniel 7 and 8, Daniel sees visions of the future and it terrifies him. In these confusing texts, we can see something very clear: we are called to commit to God in the already/not yet.


Icebreaker: What is one of your least favorite chores to do?

Reading: Daniel 7 and 8

Discussion Questions:

  1. When it comes to apocalyptic literature, do you find yourself really interested or not caring at all? How much do you know about it?

  2. Why is apocalyptic literature important to read and understand?

  3. How do we see the spirit of the antichrist all around?

  4. What does it mean to live in the “already/not yet”? How does understanding that we live in the “already/not yet” change your perspective?

  5. How do you commit to growing in knowledge and grace? What practical things can you do to grow in both?

In The Den - Week 5

Daniel remained faithful no matter what. Even in the midst of the den. How was Daniel able to remain faithful? Because he pre-decided, prepared, and proclaimed his faithfulness.


Icebreaker: What is one of your favorite things to do?

Reading: Daniel 6

Discussion Questions:

  • Think of a time where you didn’t respond the way you hoped you would. Why do you think you didn’t respond correctly?

  • Pre-deciding is deciding before what you will do later. What pre-decisions have you made? What pre-decisions do you need to make?

  • How does preparation change the way you respond in the den?

  • No matter what is happening, you can proclaim the goodness of God because the den isn’t a punishment, it’s an opportunity. How would this mindset change your perspective of the den?

  • Is there a den that you feel like you are currently in? How can you respond faithfully?

In The Den - Week 4: The Finger of God

We all have a pride problem. In Daniel 4 and 5, we see two different responses of God’s intervention to pride and two different ways that we can respond to the finger of God in our life.


Icebreaker: What is your favorite part about your job?

Reading: Daniel 4 and 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is a time that your pride got the best of you?

  2. Has there ever been a time where you felt like God said to you “that’s enough”?

  3. What are you using to numb yourself? What have you used in the past to numb yourself?

  4. It is easy to not be able to hear God’s voice. What voices are drowning His voice out? What can you do to be able to hear His voice more clearly?

  5. Where is the finger of God in your life?

In The Den - Week 3: The Furnace

Daniel 3 tells us the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: exiles who would not conform or become compliant but would stay true to their convictions. Exiles eventually go into the furnace, but we never go in alone.


Icebreaker: If you could go back to any time place and time period, when and where would you go?

Reading: Daniel 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is Satan a counterfeit God? How does he counterfeit sin?

  2. When facing a furnace in life, we can confront, become compliant, and stick to our convictions. What times in your life have you done any of the three?

  3. Do you believe that God can save you and God will save you? What makes it hard at times to believe? What can you do to help yourself believe?

  4. What is “Even If” faith and why is it important?

  5. How have you seen the furnace reveal things in your life and refine things in your life?

  6. Are you in a furnace now? If so, how have you felt God’s presence in the furnace?

In The Den - Week 2: Kingdoms

In Daniel 2, Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Through this interpretation, we learn that all kingdoms, including our own, will surrender to God's kingdom.


Icebreaker: What is your favorite movie and show of all time?

Reading: Daniel 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. When Daniel interpreted the King’s dream, God was taking a pagan ritual and using it for God’s glory. Have you ever been in situations similar to this?

  2. What kingdoms do you find yourself building in your life that compete with God’s kingdom?

  3. How do our kingdom’s compete with God’s kingdom?

  4. Read Daniel 2:28. What does “but there is a God” mean to you?

  5. How can you practically start surrendering to the right kingdom? What things do you need to surrender in order to participate in God’s kingdom?

In The Den - Week 1: Exiles

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Do you ever feel like an outsider? Maybe it is because we are called to be an exile. The book of Daniel shows us exactly how to be a godly person in a godless culture.


Icebreaker: What places have you lived in your life?

Reading: Daniel 1

Discussion Questions:

  • Has there ever been a time where you felt like an outsider?

  • When culture pushes us away from Christ, it is easy to panic or to blend in. Which one do you find yourself tempted to do more? Give examples of you giving into that temptation.

  • What is an exile? In what ways can changing our attitude to that of an exile change our faith?

  • The spirit of Babylon separates and indoctrinates. How have you experienced both of those things in your life?

  • How can we bless when we are in Babylon?