In The Den - Week 6: Already/Not Yet

In Daniel 7 and 8, Daniel sees visions of the future and it terrifies him. In these confusing texts, we can see something very clear: we are called to commit to God in the already/not yet.


Icebreaker: What is one of your least favorite chores to do?

Reading: Daniel 7 and 8

Discussion Questions:

  1. When it comes to apocalyptic literature, do you find yourself really interested or not caring at all? How much do you know about it?

  2. Why is apocalyptic literature important to read and understand?

  3. How do we see the spirit of the antichrist all around?

  4. What does it mean to live in the “already/not yet”? How does understanding that we live in the “already/not yet” change your perspective?

  5. How do you commit to growing in knowledge and grace? What practical things can you do to grow in both?