In The Den - Week 4: The Finger of God

We all have a pride problem. In Daniel 4 and 5, we see two different responses of God’s intervention to pride and two different ways that we can respond to the finger of God in our life.


Icebreaker: What is your favorite part about your job?

Reading: Daniel 4 and 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is a time that your pride got the best of you?

  2. Has there ever been a time where you felt like God said to you “that’s enough”?

  3. What are you using to numb yourself? What have you used in the past to numb yourself?

  4. It is easy to not be able to hear God’s voice. What voices are drowning His voice out? What can you do to be able to hear His voice more clearly?

  5. Where is the finger of God in your life?