Doubt: Week 4 - Why Is There Tragedy?

Why would a good God allow suffering? When our expectations do not match with our reality, how do we stay strong in our faith? It starts by realizing that even when we are suffering, there is always something better coming.


Icebreaker: What podcast do you listen to the most?

Reading: Psalm 73

Discussion Questions:

  • The question “why is there suffering” comes from two incorrect starting points. How do those starting points undermine the question of suffering?

  • Read Psalm 73:1-14. How can you relate to what Asaph wrote here?

  • What does it mean that “love not freely given is not love”? How does love make suffering possible?

  • Have you ever gone through pain and suffering that afterwards you saw how God showed up?

  • Are you currently going through any pain or suffering? How can the people around you support you through that suffering?