Doubt: Week 3 - Is Jesus The Only Way?

Is Jesus really the only way? This claim seems unloving and excluding. When you look at what Jesus claimed and look deeper into the logic of truth, we realize that Jesus is the most inclusive claim there is.



What was your favorite show as a child?


  • Why is the question “Is Jesus really the only way?” such a difficult question for us at times?

  • What does it mean that “all truth is exclusive?” Why is this important?

  • Out of the 3 unique claims of Jesus (person, path, and purpose), which one resonates with you the most?

  • What do you think about the person on an island that has never heard about Jesus? Do you think that person goes to heaven? Why or why not?

  • Why is it important to remember that God is fully just, compassionate, and loving when we talk about this question?