The Heart of the Church: Week 3 - Evangelism

Evangelism is a church word that many of us shy away from. We don’t want to be awkward and don’t want to force our beliefs on anyone else. What if we as the church were looking at it the wrong way? What if evangelism is just recommending something you love to someone who needs it.


Reading: John 3

Icebreaker: What do you do for work and what is your favorite part of your job?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some things that you love to recommend to other people? (Movies, music, restaurants, etc.)

  2. How did you come to faith? Who are the people that helped you with your faith and how did they?

  3. Why is it important to start where people are rather than evangelizing with an agenda?

  4. Are you a good listener? Why is listening so important when sharing your faith?

  5.  Why shouldn’t we avoid hard questions and hard truths?

  6. How does helping others understand their real need help them get closer to Christ?

  7. Who are the people God has put in your life that you are called to share your faith with?