Family Life: Week 3 - Parenting

Parenting can be really hard because many of us think “Am I doing it right?” Because we don’t know, we do whatever we can. But is that how God wants us to parent, or does God have a better plan for our parenting?


Icebreaker: What is on your bucket list?

Reading: Psalm 127

Discussion Questions:

  1.  How is your relationship with your parents? What things did they get right and what things did they get wrong?

  2. Out of the different types of parents there are, which one was your parents (Bubble Wrap Parent, Robot parent, etc...) If you are a parent, which one do you lean towards?

  3.  How do you prepare, aim, and send out your child or someone you are discipling?

  4. Why is influence better than control?

  5. How can parenting change because of “delight”?

Family Life: Week 2 - Marriage

We all want a healthy marriage, but how do we get one? By remembering that marriage is a covenant, marriage requires work, and marriage takes mutual submission.


Icebreaker: What is the best movie you have watched recently?

Reading: Matthew 19

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has your view of marriage changed now from when you were a child?

  2. In what ways did your parents model a healthy relationship, if any? In what ways did they model an unhealthy relationship?

  3. What does it mean that marriage is a covenant? How would understanding God’s covenants help understand God’s plan for marriage better?

  4. If you are married, what can you apply today to make your marriage better? If you are not married, what can you learn today that will help your future marriage?

Family Life: Week 1 - Family Dysfunction

Every family is dysfunctional, but we can still see God in the midst of the dysfunction. How do we have the right perspective and priorities in order to grow in our families?


Icebreaker: What are you listening to right now?

Reading: Genesis 32

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does your family structure look like? Give your family background

  2. What ways have you learned about the dysfunction of your family?

  3. Have you ever allowed the dysfunction of your family to keep you a slave to the dysfunction?

  4. What season of life are you in? Was the transition from one season to another hard?

  5. How can you make sure you have the right priorities in your family this holiday season?